Welcome! The goal of this site is to explore how you can teach important gospel truths to your kids along with the encouragement that you need along the way!
At Reformed Mama, we share what we do (and why we do it) relating to teaching the Bible, reformed theology, and the children's catechism to kids as well as a healthy dose of Scriptural encouragement for Christian moms.
Welcome! The goal of this site is to explore how you can teach important gospel truths to your kids along with the encouragement that you need along the way!
October 31 is Reformation Day! I've put together a round up of resources and activities for kids to celebrate this special day.
A round up of some great resources for celebrating Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with your kids!
A Recipe for Resurrection Rolls, Books, Activities, Children’s Catechism questions and answers, and more!
I just want to level the field for all of us and say that mothering is hard, regardless of what stage you are in. It is hard work but I truly want us to be encouraged with the fact that it is also good work.
I’ve created a free printable with 40 Passages of Scripture for you to use to memorize Bible verses with your kids! You can hang them on your fridge, put on a bulletin board, or keep a binder!
How many times have you said to a new mom, "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!"? We often mean it very genuinely but just don't know what we could to to really help. I am still totally guilty of this so I put together the following list of ways that you could encourage and love your mom friends well when they are transitioning into a new life stage with a new baby (whether it's their first or their fifth)!
A podcast club may be an ideal solution for those who want to study a variety of different topics of the Bible and theology with other women in a convenient, accessible, and cost-effective way.
Today, I have the pleasure of sharing an awesome guest post with you! A friend created a Children’s Bulletin / Sermon Notes page for her kids and is graciously sharing it with you today!
Today, I’m sharing how to write a devotional for a baby shower! A list of a few things to remember!
Sharing what we do (and why we do it) relating to the children's catechism and the Bible as well as a healthy dose of encouragement for moms.
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Since I have resource pages up for the Children's Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism, I have loved getting questions from readers (and especially over on Facebook). I have been asked multiple times for Bible Storybooks that don't have images of Jesus in them.